Another long trip from Kauai to Ni’ihau to dive at Lehua Rock, but it is so worth it! Lots of residents large and small were out to greet us today in these warm, summer waters of Hawaii.
Amazing weekend of diving off the south shore of Kauai. Titan Scorpionfish at Three Fingers kicked off the diving. Cruising Fast Lanes with us was a rare Whale Shark. Long Nosed Hawkfish, Wire Coral Shrimp, and a very shy Flame Angel who gave us just a glimpse…we *will* get a picture of you!
Fabulous day of diving at Lehua Rock just north of the forbidden island of Ni’ihau. While there were plenty of interesting small things to look at, the big targets at Ni’ihau are all big themselves. Monk seals and sharks made their way to join us on this trip
Again, despite active conditions on the surface, the water was amazing below all around the Buoy dive sites on the south side of Kauai. Lazy current today at both sites made for fun diving and some great photo ops with the locals.
A windy day with a rough surface. Sheraton Caverns was a bit turbid but the locals were out and about. Drifting past the buoy’s sites held much better visibility and some great encounters.
A quick early March run to three locations off of southern Kauai…with a few very difficult macro shots thrown in. Still working on my macro photography so please be patient. 🙂
Weather was OK and the visibility was decent enough for us to take a run to Beach Arch and Stone House off the south side of Poipu, Kauai, HI. Photos taken February 2, 2019.
Calm seas and sunny skies made for a great afternoon dive off the south side of Kauai. Photos on this dive were taken with the macro/zoom lens to get up close and personal with many of the specimens. The surge at depth and the tight focus distance made these challenging.